Looking for people ?
To be able to use the services of job portal hladajpracu.sk your company needs to be registered.
If your company is already registered, you will not be able to register it again, and you will be informed about this.
Why use the services of hladajpracu.sk ?
1, Simplicity
2, Speed
3, Flexibility
Find a employee fast and comfortably:
- advertisement publishing
- access to catalog of applicants
- criteria based search of applicants
- online and traditional personnel services
Looking for people ?
PERSONALNY LEASING, s.r.o. is realizing recruitment of workers for lower working positions in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and since 2008 also in Asia. We have great experience with recruitment of workers for hotels, entertainment parks, airlines, also workers for automotive companies, or builder companies.
Looking for a reliable partner ?
PERSONALNY LEASING, s.r.o. is on the job market since 2007 and has placed more than 1000 workers in EU.
Contact us: via e-mail on: info@personalnyleasing.eu
If your company is already registered, you will not be able to register it again, and you will be informed about this.
Why use the services of hladajpracu.sk ?
1, Simplicity
2, Speed
3, Flexibility
Find a employee fast and comfortably:
- advertisement publishing
- access to catalog of applicants
- criteria based search of applicants
- online and traditional personnel services
Looking for people ?
PERSONALNY LEASING, s.r.o. is realizing recruitment of workers for lower working positions in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and since 2008 also in Asia. We have great experience with recruitment of workers for hotels, entertainment parks, airlines, also workers for automotive companies, or builder companies.
Looking for a reliable partner ?
PERSONALNY LEASING, s.r.o. is on the job market since 2007 and has placed more than 1000 workers in EU.
Contact us: via e-mail on: info@personalnyleasing.eu